
Showing posts from August, 2022

What I learned

 I learned how most people act when there heart is broken. I also learned that when somebody is heart broken they can't immediately forget about it. I have had my heart broken by somebody but if I did I can imagine feeling sad for multiple days. I even learned how people adapt after getting broken up with from experience. This is what I learned.

What I learned

 Today we read a book. I learned how to cite evidence and insure about a book or text. I also learned to cite Textual evidence. We also learned about what to do if I feel like losing my mind. This is what we learned today. 

What I learned

 I learned the difference between somebody and nobody. I learned that to be a somebody you must bend in and to be nobody you must be different. I think of myself as different as I do things other people don't do. This is what I learned.


 When it comes to space I believe there is indeed life is space. When I seen the image of earth from ars point of view I was not impressed as I though mars would barely see earth which it did. I was a little surprised about the sound in a black hole but also knew that if it was to have a sound it would sound like that. This all makes me realize just how small life is on earth when there billions upon billions of other places around the universe. These are my thoughts on the universe. 

What I learned

 Today I learned more and more about making a myth. I learned that a myth needs to have a good story,character,and meaning behind it. My myth had all of these things which is why it's good. All in all, I learned a lot about myths .

What I learned

 Today we watched a video about a girl with her hair. I though the message was good and enjoyed the story. It reminded me of a time my friends were judged by how they look and how they tried to look like what people wanted them to look like until they stopped and dressed how they wanted to dress. In all, I learned a decent lot about the story.

What I learned

Today was good. I learned about the difference between religion and myths and how to differentiate them. Both the Navajo creation and bible so similar settings and both are examples of religion.In all, I think I enjoyed learning about religion, myth, and legends.

What i learned

 I learned the message of the film"final 3 minutes". I thought the film was pretty good. I remember having a friend who had almost experienced death and he said it was as of his life flash before his eyes. All in all the film was great.

What I learned

 I learned how to find purpose on a story. When you look at a story at school you can't find a purpose to read it so you just skim through it but if you make a purpose then it would become easier to do. Today I was reading a story and could not get focused on it because it has no purpose to me but when we was told to make our own purpose to it it became a lot easier to understand.

What I learned

 I learned how to tell the difference between informal and formal and what those 2 stand for.

My Blog

My name is Roderick ruffin. I'm 17 years old and I'm from Georgia. I like to play games or sports for fun.sometimes I like to just lay down and relax. This year I want to pass with all A's,I want to know how to code,and I want to meet new people